Friday, October 14, 2011

(1) Introduction to All of My Blogs

Views of a Layman with a Missionary Spirit
Columns by Dr. Paul R. Sebastian
Professor Emeritus of Management, University of Rio Grande (Ohio)

        These columns are the product of working for the Lord on three continents. I have tried to serve Him in my successes and in my failures. I am sure that He does not keep score.....only counting our sincere efforts and our faithfulness to Him and His Church as well as our growth in virtue, the most important being love of God and His people. As Mother Theresa said, ”God does not ask us to be successful, but to be faithful.” One of the all time great sportswriters, Grantland Rice, once wrote: ”When the great scorekeeper marks beside your name, He marks not whether you won or lost, but how you played the game.”

        A thought inspired by the Christopher movement has motivated most of my life. One person can do little to change the world, but s/he can do something.....a little bit today, a little bit tomorrow, a little bit the next day and the accumulation of many little bits done every day for the love of God can with His help add up to great as the so called great persons in history who have one or two major accomplishments and little else. But what about all of those little heroes out there who have done their little bit every day to serve God, Country, community, family, and neighbor?

      Some of these articles are religious and others are applications to daily life.....including business, economics, politics, education, science, and even sports. Choose what interests you among the following. I'll try to add an article every week or two.

      I would love to receive your comments regarding any article of mine. My e-mail address is .  Feel free to copy and paste to use in any way you see fit...... in your work, sending it to friends, as a basis for an article of your own, homily, in classroom work, CCD, Confirmation preparation, RCIA, etc.  For example, you may put it into your parish bulletin as an insert on the front and/or back of one of the pages. Also feel free to condense it without changing the meaning or adapt it to local conditions as you see fit.  Of course, avoid plagiarism if a student.  I hope to obtain a sufficient number of readers to make all of this work worthwhile.  So whenever you can and convenient as well as appropriate, please include my blog address:


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