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The Pilgrim Statue of the Immaculate Heart visits St. Louis Church in Gallipolis, Ohio.
October 13, 2016 begins the 100th year
since the final apparition of Mary at Fatima (1917) which ended with the spectacular Miracle of the Sun (see my Blogs #95 & 96). In 1929 she asked through Sr. Lucia that the Pope,
in union with the Bishops of the world, consecrate Russia to her Immaculate
Heart, promising its eventual conversion and the hindering of its errors if this is done. On Saturday October
15 we commemorated that event with a Public Square Biblical Rosary Rally for
peace in the Gallipolis (Ohio) City Park (See my Blog #143). This year (2016) our Bishop Jeffrey Monforton reconsecrated the Diocese of Steubenville to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and a specially commissioned statue of her is traveling to every parish in the diocese. The statue spent a week with us from August 26 to September 2. The Knights of Columbus will consecrate our Council 3335 to her Immaculate Heart at the 10 am Mass on October 30, the Fifth Sunday Knights of Columbus Mass. Furthermore, each knight is invited to begin the 33 Day individual consecration to Mary according to St. Louis de Montfort, whose statue is at the main entrance of our church. For a copy click on While World War I was going on in 1917, Mary said that war would soon
end, but warned: “But if people do not cease
offending God... another and more terrible war will begin. When you see a night
illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign that God gives
that the chastisement of the world for its many transgressions is at hand
through war, famine, persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father." Mary revealed the following to the three shepherd children of Fatima on July 13, 1917, three months before the Russian Revolution when few people in the West knew what Communism was: "To prevent this (chastisement), I shall come to ask the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and Communions of reparation on the first Saturdays. If my requests are heard, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, fomenting wars and persecution of the Church. The good will suffer martyrdom; the Holy Father will suffer much; different nations will be annihilated. But in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, which will be converted, and some time of peace will be granted to humanity. In a matter of months the Communist regime in Russia closed or destroyed churches, persecuted the faithful, and jailed and even executed priests. In 1919 the Communists took over Hungary for a six month reign of terror that my father lived through before the Bolsheviks were finally being repulsed. In 1920 following World War I, the countries of Western Europe were weak, depleted, exhausted from the war, and in economic ruin. The Bolsheviks (Russian Communists) saw an opportunity to establish Communism in Europe; they were poised to advance to the English Channel. As they advanced on Warsaw, the Church mobilized the people to pray the rosary. On August 15 of that year, the Feast of the Assumption, miraculously Polish troops, although outnumbered, soundly defeated them in the Battle of Warsaw. It is often referred to as the “Miracle on the Vistula River” or “Cud nad Wisła” in Polish. See Mexico. The repressive government of Mexico under Communist influence violently persecuted the Church, executed priests, and many of the faithful. Catholics revolted, demanding religious freedom in the Cristero War from 1926 – 1929 (See Blogs #42, 120, & 132). In 1929 in a private revelation to Sr. Lucia, the only surviving seer of Fatima, Mary promised that Russia would be converted if the Pope in union with the bishops of the world would consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. See the Appendix for the text of Sr. Lucia's letter to Pope Pius XII. In the 1930s and 1940s the Communist Party of the United States was quite significant since their founding in 1919, peaking at 80,000 members in 1944. The Communists had some success in infiltrating certain labor unions before being expelled in 1950 (see Russia even had spies who stole American military secrets…….first the atomic bomb by the late l940s and then the hydrogen bomb within the next decade. Alger Hiss and Julius Rosenberg were the most notorious. The two biggest scourges of the 20th century, the most violent century of all time, were Nazism and Communism, two godless tyrannies of the extreme right and the extreme left. Both fomented wars, persecuted religion, trampled upon basic human rights. Spain. In the Spanish Civil War from 1936-1939 Communist Russia greatly influenced and helped the Republicans on the left while Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy aided the Nationalists on the right. The Republicans persecuted and killed many Catholics, priests, and nuns. Ernest Hemingway and leftist American youth fought with the Republicans. The Nationalists under General Franco prevailed and religious freedom was preserved. See At least half a million people died. It was a prelude to World War II. As Mary foretold in the third paragraph above, there was indeed an unknown light, an unusually strong aurora borealis was seen from Budapest to Gibraltar, according to the London Times of January 27, 1938 (see Blogs #95, 96, and World War II. The people of the world ignored Mary and the world suffered through World War II. Adolph Hitler rose up, appealing to German
nationalism and harping about the unjust and humiliating Versailles Treaty
after World War I. He promised to recover
territories taken away from Germany. People
followed even though it was atheistic.
Italy under Mussolini and Japan under Hirohito also had similar
nationalistic movements and were allied with Germany. It started on September 1, 1939 after Hitler
and Stalin of Russia (although hating each other) agreed to divide up Poland between
themselves as Prussia (Germany), Austria, and Russia did for 125 years until
1917 under the Partition. During those
years Poland did not exist as a country.
The Church was instrumental in maintaining national identity. The United States got into the war after the
surprise attack by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. Prior to that the country was isolationist,
but the attack united the country as never before in fighting the axis powers. As a little boy I don’t remember much, but I do recall the air raid drills with sirens at noon. I followed Superman and Batman fighting for America through the comic books. We cheered for the troops listening to the radio, watching newsreels in the movies; there was no television. My Mom would send me to the store with money and ration stamps to prevent hoarding of goods in short supply. The schools had us bring in flattened tin cans for scrap iron in the steel industry. The local steel mills were booming, manned by older men exempt from the draft and women too along with Rosy the Riveter on the assembly lines making military vehicles and tanks. In a fit of paranoia, the U.S. government confined Japanese Americans to internment camps.
million American men fought in that war and 405,399 lost their lives compared to
116,516 in World War
I, not to mention the many more wounded, the millions dead from all sides, the
grieving families, and the systematic extermination of the Jews by the Nazis.. Anxious and prayerful American families would
put small banners with a star on their front door or window for each son in the
war. Our next door neighbor had a four
star banner. Many sons never did come
home. Every town would have a billboard with
the names of its sons in the war and every Church had a plaque with the names
of its parishioners in the war as the people prayed for them. Soldiers would bring home as trophies enemy
swords, guns, etc. I had a collection of
military badges that veterans gave to me.
Belback, the son of a Polish-American family, was part of the Normandy Invasion
in liberating France. Soldiers were
being mowed down all around him in charging the German bunkers on the top of
the hill. His wife prayed hard; Stanley
was hit in the chest; however, the bullet glazed off of a bead of the rosary
around his neck; Mary saved his life. He
and his wife showed us the rosary.
remember air shows at the Allegheny County Airport (Pittsburgh principle
airport at the time) and seeing tanks being hauled on railroad cars. People
were encouraged to have victory gardens to assure enough for the troops. People
were encouraged to have victory gardens to assure enough for the troops. It
was truly the Great Generation. German
cities were leveled by incessant bombings.
The war mercifully came to an end after the atomic bomb attack on
Hiroshima in 1945. Millions of people
suffered on all sides in the war. God
does not have to punish us; sin creates its own punishments with evil
consequences. He
actually makes good come out of it as people come back to Him in prayer with
trust and repentance.
The atomic bomb attack on August 6, 1945.
Some 80,000 people died immediately and another 60,000 slowly died from
the radioactive fallout. About the same
number of people died on the second attack on Nagasaki on August 9. Was this
carnage necessary? Could surrender have been achieved by a demonstration or complete isolation after destroying Japan’s
capability for carrying on the war.
Russia was an
unreliable ally during World War II despite receiving
considerable help from the United States for the Eastern Front in Europe. Towards the end of the war, Franklin Roosevelt
(followed by Harry Truman) had conferences with Winston Churchill of Britain,
and Josef Stalin of Russia and made agreements at Yalta and Potsdam on occupying
Germany and the countries of eastern Europe involved in the war. Russia occupied Eastern Europe and East
Germany. Stalin simply treated those
countries as conquests. Russia entered the Pacific Theater of the War toward its very end, occupsts and set up Communist governments in each one of them. My father and other ethnic Hungarians were
bitter, calling it a betrayal and a handover tying Manchuria, which became part of China as another Communist country.
Russia continued to spread its
errors after World War II…….suppress basic human rights and freedoms in the
countries under its control. It
aggressively persecuted the Church, jailed and executed priests, closed
churches, Catholic schools, newspapers, and institutions. It controlled the Press, jailed and executed
people who spoke out against the regime, etc.
In subsequent years Russia annexed Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the
Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan under the name of “Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics”. By 1948
it established puppet Communist governments in the countries it occupied after
World War II…….Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia,
Albania, and East Germany. It threatened
to take over Greece, Italy, Austria, and Turkey, but the United States finally stood
firm. It helped the Chinese Communists
to take over China before and after World War II. In 1958 Fidel Castro and his revolutionaries took over Cuba and made it Communist. The Marxists influenced political instability throughout Latin America in the labor unions, universities, etc. In the early 1970s the Marxist Salvador Allende steered Chile to the extreme left until overthrown by a repressive military regime under President Pinochet.
In the United States the Soviet Union had a spy network. Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs were the most notorious. They were successful in stealing American secrets for the Atomic Bomb and the Hydrogen Bomb. The Communist Party was active and made inroads in infiltrating labor unions.
Alinsky (1909 – 1972), is considered to be the father of community organizing
and had a Marxist influenced methodology.
He has been able to influence liberals of today (including President
Obama who started out as a community organizer and is an admirer of Alinsky)
with secularist goals divorced from God.
They don’t call it Marxism, Communism, or even Socialism, but rather using
the terms: liberal, progressive, and democratic. Alinsky’s philosophy included the
Machiavellian “The end justifies the means” including violence and deceit to
achieve their goals even if they violate Christian morality, religious freedom,
and human rights. “You do what you can
and then you clothe it in moral garments, pick the target, freeze it,
personalize it, and polarize it”.
had a diabolican influence on many liberals of his time and today. He even had considerable success in
influencing Catholic leaders, intellectuals, and even Bishops of the
Church. That’s one of the reasons that
Vatican II was corrupted under the guise of “The Spirit of Vatican II” and
people believed them without ever having read what is in the Vatican II
documents. Shocking are some of the
quotes from his book “Rules for Radicals” and interview with Playboy Magazine a
few weeks before he died as saying that if there is an afterlife, he would
choose hell because his kind of people are there and he would organize them. For more detail watch the EWTN documentary by
clicking on
The Korean War.
In 1950 Communist North Korea with the help of Russia invaded free South
Korea. American troops intervened and fought until an
Armistice in 1953; 36,516 died Technically,
the two countries are still at war. Tensions
continue between the two countries today and a resumption of the war is still a
real possibility. Communist North Korea
is developing nuclear weapons. By this
time Russia developed atomic weapons. A
nuclear war was very much a possibility.
People talked about building bomb shelters and in some schools kids were
taught to crawl under their desks in case of an attack. As a kid in elementary school, I remember
being afraid, especially at night.
The Hungarian Revolution. In 1956 the Hungarian people revolted against
their puppet Communist government and the occupation by Soviet troops. It was a popular uprising for freedom. For a few days, it appeared that the Hungarians
freedom fighters were victorious as the Soviet Army retreated from
Budapest. The Soviets lured their new
premier, Imre Nagy to negotiate at the military headquarters. Masters of deceit, they captured him and a
larger Soviet army crushed the rebellion……killing 3000 people in a blood
bath. Once order was restored, they executed
many of the freedom fighters and their leaders, including Imre Nagy.
The Cuban Missile Crisis.
In Cuba Communism took root 90 miles from the United
States. In April 1961 the United States
helped a band of Cuban refugees in a failed attempt to overthrow the Castro
government with the Bay of Pigs invasion.
The failure was a major blow to American prestige. In retaliation Castro invited Russia to
station missiles with nuclear warheads that threatened the United States. Washington was within range. In October 1962 the United States blockaded
Russian ships from entering Cuba. This
resulted in a gigantic game of chicken that put the world on the brink of
nuclear war. A miscalculation by either
superpower or a mistake by one of the opposing commanders could have sparked a
nuclear war. People were deathly
afraid. Russia apparently gave in by
withdrawing its missiles, but secretly the United States agreed to remove its
missiles from Turkey close to the border with the Soviet Union.
The Berlin Wall. In 1961 refugees from the Communist countries
were streaming through Berlin to freedom in the West. Berlin was in the center of Communist East
Germany. However, West Berlin was
controlled by West Germany according to a previous treaty. Previously in 1948 Russia had tried to force
the allies out of Berlin, but the allies kept their occupied West Berlin supplied
through around the clock flights called the Berlin Airlift. To stop this flow of refugees, Nikita Khrushchev,
the dictator of the Soviet Union, ordered the construction of a wall topped by
barbed wire on August 13, 1961. See my
blogs #60 and 160. The United States retaliated
with a buildup. My active duty as a
young lieutenant was extended a year and I was sent to Orleans, France as part of a buildup in Europe. By the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis my
tour of duty was over.
In 1965 Communist North Vietnam with the help of Russia invaded South
Vietnam. We were bogged down in that war
until 1973 when a treaty was negotiated.
American troops were withdrawn and North Vietnam conquered South Vietnam
in violation of the treaty; 58,209 American soldiers lost their lives. This was the only war that the United States
ever lost. However, it probably stopped
the Communist advance into other Asia countries.
St. Pope John Paul II. Karol
Wojtiła clandestinely studied for the priesthood during the Nazi occupation of
Poland inside the residence of the Archbishop of Krakow. As bishop and later Archbishop of Krakow
Cardinal Wojtiła resisted Communism. To
everyone’s surprise and shock to the Soviets, he was elected Pope John Paul II
in 1978. He triumphantly visited Poland
and quietly supported the Solidarity Movement for free unions.
the future saint as a threat, the Soviets put out a contract on his life and
was shot point blank on May 13, 1981, the anniversary of Mary’s first
appearance to the shepherd children in Fatima.
That wound to his abdomen should have been fatal, but miraculously the
bullet zigzagged through his body without hitting any artery or vital
organ. During his agony, he called out
to Maria for help and he attributed his life to her. Later the Pope visited Fatima and had the
bullet placed in the crown of Our Lady’s statue. When he recovered St. John Paul II met with
his attacker, Mehmet Ali Ağca, in jail and forgave him. We later learned that the Third Secret of
Fatima prophesized that there would be an attempt on the life of the Pope. The agony of St. Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981.
St. John Paul II had a great devotion to Mary and even had a reference
to her on his coat of arms: “totus tuus”,
meaning “all yours”, in consecrating himself to her Immaculate Heart. As a boy he came closer to Mary, our
spiritual mother, after his earthly mother died. As Pope, he served as the Lord’s instrument in
the collapse of European Communism. He inspired
those in the Solidarity Movement in Poland.
He collaborated with President Ronald Reagan and Allen Dulles, the
Director of the CIA, by giving them information that the Vatican had. Furthermore, the Pope facilitated the
transfer of money to the Solidarity Movement.
Thus St. Pope John Paul II is credited with a significant role in the eventual
fall of Communism in Europe.
the Cold War, people prayed and St. Pope John Paul II did consecrate Russia to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1984 in union with the bishops of the world. By 1991 European communism and the Iron
Curtain collapsed as the Berlin Wall came tumbling down. Russia has come a long way, but conversion is
still a long way off. A nationalistic
Russia has taken territory from the Ukraine, is a threat to its neighbors, and
has sided with the Syrian dictator.
The Berlin Wall comes tumbling down
like the Walls of Jericho.
is the chronology of satisfying Mary’s request to consecrate Russia to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary. The key dates
are underlined. It was not until March
25, 1984 that St. Pope John Paul II satisfied the conditions for the consecration
that Mary laid out. Note below that
after that date there was a series of events that led to the collapse of
European Communism and the Iron Curtain as the Berlin Wall came tumbling
down. Freedom to Poland, Hungary,
Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, etc.; and the disintegration of the Soviet
Union which was really a Russian Communist empire. Nobody expected this sequence of events. St. Pope John Paul II had an important role. We know that prayer did it.
1991 when the Soviet Union disintegrated, there has been a modest revival in
Russia. The number of churches have
increased from 400 to over 30,000; the number of monasteries from 22 to over
800; Theological Schools from 0 to 100.
Civil laws is beginning to reflect God’s moral law and Christianity is
growing in importance despite President Vladimir Putin’s aggressive
posture. Of course, the Christianization
of Russia still has a long way to go.
Time Line of the Consecration of Russia
to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and
July 13, 1917 Our Lady
promises to come and ask for the
consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.
June 13, 1929 Our
Lady fulfills her promise, asking through Lucy "for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, promising its conversion through this means and
the hindering of the propagation of its errors."
date unknown Pius XI (1922-1939) is
informed of this request.
1938 Portuguese
Bishops ask Pius XI for the Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart.
It is said they were influenced to do this by the spiritual director of Bl.
Alexandrina da Costa (1904-1955).
June 1940 A request is made to Pius XII through the Bishop of Macau, and a little later through Father
Gonzaga de Fonseca. Mention is made of Our Lady asking for the Consecration of
Russia to her Immaculate Heart.
Dec. 1940 Sr. Lucia writes a letter to Pius
XII, saying that Our Lord Himself requests that the Pope "consecrate the
world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with a special mention of Russia, and
order that all the Bishops of the world do the same in union with His Holiness."
Oct. 31, 1942 Pope Pius XII consecrates the world to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary.
July 7, 1952 Pope Pius XII consecrates the Russian
people to the Immaculate Heart.
Nov. 21, 1964 Pope Paul VI
renews, in the presence of the Fathers of the Vatican Council, but without their participation, the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart.
May 13, 1982 Pope John Paul
II invites the bishops of the world to join him in consecrating the world and
with it Russia to the Immaculate Heart. Many do not receive the invitation in
time for the Pope's trip to Fatima, where he accomplishes the consecration. Sr. Lucia later said it did not fulfill the
October 1983 Pope John Paul II, at the Synod of Bishops,
renews the 1982 Consecration.
March 25,1984 Pope John Paul II, "united with all the
pastors of the Church in a particular bond whereby we constitute a body and a
college," consecrates "the whole world, especially the peoples for
which by reason of their situation you have particular love and
solicitude." Apparently it was imprudent to mention Russia by name. Both the Pope and Sr. Lucia initially seemed
uncertain that the consecration had been fulfilled, but shortly thereafter Sr.
Lucia tells the papal nuncio to Portugal that the Consecration is fulfilled.
May 13, 1984 One of the
largest crowds in Fatima history gathers at the shrine to pray the Rosary for peace.
May 13, 1984 An
explosion at the Soviets’ Severomorsk Naval Base destroys two-thirds of all the missiles stockpiled for the Soviets’ Northern Fleet. The blast also destroys workshops needed to maintain the missiles as well as hundreds of scientists and technicians. Western military experts called it the worst naval disaster the
Soviet Navy has suffered since WWII.
Dec. 1984 The Soviet
Defense Minister, mastermind of the invasion plans for Western Europe, suddenly and mysteriously dies.
March 10, 1985 Soviet Chairman
Konstantin Chernenko dies.
March 11, 1985 Soviet Chairman
Mikhail Gorbachev is elected.
April 26, 1986 The Chernobyl nuclear reactor meltdown accident
spews a radioactive cloud over the Ukraine.
May 12, 1988 An explosion
wrecked the only factory that made the rocket motors for the Soviets’ deadly SS
24 long-range missiles, which carry ten nuclear bombs each.
Aug. 29, 1989 Sr. Lucia affirms in correspondence that the
consecration "has been accomplished" and that "God will keep His word."
Nov. 9, 1989 The Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain go
down, reminiscent of the Walls of Jericho. Nobody expected it.
Nov-Dec 1989 Peaceful revolutions in Czechoslovakia,
Romania, Bulgaria and Albania drive out Communism.
1990 East and West Germany are unified.......only a dream since the end of World War II in 1945.
Dec. 25, 1991 The Communist
government in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics disintegrates and collapses after subjugating millions, persecuting the Church, and being a
threat to civilization since the Russian Revolution of October 1917.
The 21st Century began
with hope, but the forces of evil continued to work and the
people drifted away from God. Since the
1970s, Secularism or secular humanism (ignoring God…….the rejection of
religious influence or morality in civil affairs, public education, and social
discourse) took over more and more of European and American society, culture,
public education, and government. When
the European Union was organized, the framers refused to acknowledge any
Christian contribution to European civilization and culture.
contraception and abortion, the population of Europe (about 1.6 children per
woman when population maintenance requires about 2.3) became stagnant with a
preponderance of older people. With a
shortage of young people to work and feed the older people, guest workers were
welcomed from Islamic countries. They
multiply and mosques began to crop up all over Europe. According to one projection, by 2050 Europe
will have an Islamic majority. This gave
rise to a fringe group of radical Islamists such as Al Qaida and ISIS (the
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) that achieve their objectives through
terrorism both from within and from without.
They aspire to take over countries and establish Sharia Law. That is the scourge of the 21st
Century. The War on Terror is nothing new; it’s really a 1300 year old war, a threat to Western Civilization since the 8th Century, when they took over the Middle East and North Africa. In the 12th Century the Crusades defended and tried to recover the Holy Land from its Muslim conquerors. The Moors took over much of Spain and Portugal in the 15th Century and the Ottoman Turks conquered Hungary in the 17th Century. All of Europe was threatened and the people went to Mary as a recourse. With Mary’s intercession the advance of radical Islam was stopped at the Battle of Belgrade in 1456, the Battle of Le Panto in 1571, and the Battle of Vienna on September 11, 1683. See my Blog #125. Radical Islam was dormant for the next 300 years. It was revived by Palestinian protesters against the Israeli occupation. The suicide bombers believed that they would obtain salvation by being martyrs to Jihad or holy war in “killing the infidels”. In 1997 a terrorist bomb was set off in the basement of one of the Twin Towers. The second plane hits the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 as seen from the Brooklyn Bridge. The grim reality of Radical Islam hit home on September 11, 2001 which was chosen by Osama Bin Laden because it was the anniversary of the victory by King Sobieski of Poland over the Ottoman Turks in 1683. They attacked New York and Washington with four hijacked airliners that crashed into major buildings. American then took the War on Terror to Iraq and Afghanistan which was controlled by the Taliban and Al Qaida. ISIS threatens to take over Syria and Iraq with aspirations to fly their black flag over St. Peter’s in Rome. ![]()
The desperate trapped
human faces in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11,
2001. In all
2606 human beings, created according to the image and likeness of God, perished
in these senseless brutal attacks in New York.
This is man’s inhumanity to man on a massive scale. All over the country people were scared and
returned to God as shown by the increase in church attendance. After a few weeks we again drifted away from
God. Will we ever learn that turning to
God and living the Gospel is the only road to peace and salvation? For more haunting photos of this tragedy, see:
Terrorists attacks have occurred numerous times since then in Europe and the United States. Now people realize that terrorism can occur at any time, anywhere.
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