Monday, September 16, 2024

(294) The Significance of Each of the Four Degree of the Knights of Columbus


Sir Michael Merry and Sir Michael Dressel, New 4th Degree Knights

      Our St. Louis Council 3335 has had a shortage of 4th Degree knights and two of our most active knights filled the bill on April 6.  They demonstrated their interest in learning more about the history of the Knights of Columbus and what the 4th Degree is all about by sacrificing much of a busy Saturday at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Marietta, Ohio.  In the ceremony the over 40 candidates were urged to be always faithful to God and His Church and to continue being active in their local councils.  The key is to desire being a 4th Degree knight and to participate at a higher level.  In Knights of Columbus circles these two faithful Catholic men may now be addressed as Sir Michael Merry and Sir Michael Dressel as with the knights of old and in Great Britain today.  Both men considered it all an enjoyable experience.    

       Mike Merry has been a knight for 31 years (it’s about time for the 4th Degree).  Besides his obvious spirit of service, what attracted him to the knights was that it is Catholic and worldwide.  He was Grand Knight for three years and has served as deputy and secretary.  Mike was in charge of the parish youth group for ten years and continues as President of Gallia For Life for the last 22 years.  While raising four lovely daughters, Merry worked for S&J Lumber in operations and maintenance.  After 22 years with S&J, this entrepreneur started his own logging business.   

       Mike Dressel joined the Knights 23 years ago because he enjoys helping people and being part of a team.  He followed in the footsteps of his father, who also was a knight.  After serving as Deputy, Mike succeeded Matt Bokovitz as our current Grand Knight.  Previously, Dressel was an altar server at the Knights of Columbus Masses for several years, but now he will process as part of the honor guard.  Until his retirement, Mike kept our lights on as a team leader in operations at American Electric Power’s Gavin Plant.   

The Mission. The Knights of Columbus was established in 1882 by the Blessed Michael J. McGivney to provide a means by which Catholic men could support the Catholic Church, provide financial protection to protect their families, and engage in works of charity to benefit the less fortunate.

       Four Degrees and Four Principles.  The 4th Degree is the highest degree of the order.  The 1st Degree is the initiation step of a new knight.  It focuses on the first principle of the Knights of Columbus…..CHARITY.  The motto of the knights is: “In Service to one, in service to all”.  To join the knights and strictly speaking to remain one, is to be a practicing Catholic.  Regular Sunday Mass attendance is a bare minimum.

    The 2nd Degree focuses on the second principle of the Knights of Columbus…..UNITY.  We are united in helping our parish in need of constant renewal and the surrounding community in need of its best citizens.  We are united with the Church and its mission of saving souls and in its fight for life, for peace, for the integrity and welfare of families.  We are united for God and Country in the fight against the evils that plague our society and do our part in the battle against them as we can.

The 3rd Degree focuses on the third principle of the Knights of Columbus……FRATERNITY.  We are brothers; we care about each other; we help each other as necessary in any way we can by prayer, encouragement, sympathy, friendship, etc. 

The 4th Degree focuses on the fourth principle…..PATRIOTISM.  We loyally love our country and perform our civic duties for a better community and country.  We are willing to fight for our country if called upon to defend it in a just war. Many knights died rescuing people trapped in the two World Trade Center Towers of New York City on 9/11, not to mention the numerous wars America has had to fight in the 20th & 21st Centuries against aggressive foes.

 The honor of the 4th Degree brings certain privileges…..the privilege of wearing the regalia and processing at special Masses, devotions, and other functions.   Upon death the deceased 4th Degree knight receives an honor guard of other 4th Degree knights if that is the previous wish of him and his family. 

Invitation to Be a Knight and Eventually a 4th Degree Knight.  The 4th Degree Knights in our Council 3335 include Keith Elliott, Bruce Davison, Matt Bokovitz, Michael Haas, Paul Sebastian, Dr. Mel Simon, and more recently Michael Edelmann three or four years ago.  Mike Merry and Mike Dressel increase this number to 9.   Two of those have moved away.  If you are an active knight please consider adding yourself to the group of elite knights by making yourself available to become a 4th Degree Knight.

At the same time all practicing Catholic men 18 or over are cordially invited to join the Knights of Columbus, which has councils all over the world, including Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Poland, Ukraine, among others.  There’s great fellowship with a meal at each meeting and opportunities to serve the parish and community as your time permits.  

Furthermore, any knight may choose the Knights of Columbus life insurance, which gives security to his family.  It has a savings feature and other financial services.  Any surplus goes to charity and not to the stockholders of a conventional insurance company.  Knights of Columbus Insurance is rated among the very top insurance companies in the United States in financial stability. Contact our Grand Knight, Mike Dressel at 740-853-1842 to join.